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I’m dedicated to helping you plan and execute your Kingdom Assignments. I am a multi-talented woman of God who has the gift for accomplishing Kingdom visions! No matter what part of the process you are in, I can help you sort out the information and get your vision out of your heart with urgency and a spirit of excellence.

Everything I do is divinely inspired and passionately excellent. That’s why you can trust the outcome of my work. I’m a trained Apostolic Spiritual Midwife and a God-ordained Aspiration Dream Strategist. It is my job to encourage, empower, and bring your Kingdom Assignment through the birthing stool.

Unleash Yourself to Grow!

If Your Time is Valuable, Then Stop Going in Circles

Don’t Stunt Your Growth with Frustration

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Apostolic Strategies

Can’t get what’s in your head out and on paper? I’ve found that talking to the right person helps tremendously. Tell me your ideas and visions and I’ll provide a detailed plan with resources. I call it Dream Mining!

Let’s strategize together! Schedule a free 30-min Dream Mining session and unleash yourself to grow.

Divine Scribe SocietySelf-publishing can be difficult if you don’t know what to do or who to trust. Here’s all you need to do it yourself and prosper!Find out all of my tips, resources, & solutions to publishing a book, designing your book cover…

Become an Author

Self-publishing can be difficult if you don’t know what to do or who to trust. I’m your step-by-step guide to becoming published on Amazon. When we are done, you will have a published book that prospective customers can purchase on Amazon’s website.

Don’t let the year end without you tapping into your God-given gifts, testimony, and calling!


Many people think they don’t need a website, but having a dedicated online presence is crucial to your business.

A website builds credibility, brand awareness, and provides information to prospective customers. Sure, you can use social media pages, but you don’t own them and they have rules about what you can post.

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An Apostolic & Aspiration Dream Strategist is someone who is gifted to manifest Kingdom assignments. They help the visionary birth with direction and instruction. They are knowledgeable planners who establish logistics, timelines and delegated tasks to build Kingdom infrastructure that assists in creating the opportunity and atmosphere needed to encounter the Trinity (God the father, King Jesus, and the Holy Spirit). They have an urgency in their spirit to run with vision (not walk)! Their ability to cause forward movement and progression in your spiritual womb ensures that you know you’re about to give birth and successfully deliver your Kingdom assignment.

Are You Ready to Birth Your Kingdom Assignment?

Click a Button Below and Unleash Yourself to Grow!